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Sharing and changing viewport settings

7. How to Share a Project and Adjust Further Settings?

After successfully applying materials and effects, several options become available to you. These options cover both sharing your completed project and refining the appearance of the 3D view. This includes adjustments such as lighting and background changes.

  • Screenshot: The camera icon on the bottom settings bar allows you to capture a screenshot of your current project. The resulting shot will capture your current view, showcasing everything visible in the 3D view. It's worth noting that regardless of your device's resolution and browser, this feature consistently provides a 4K screenshot.

  • Sharing: This section with the sharing icon in the settings bar grants you access to the web-sharing feature. Using this functionality, you can share your project via a unique URL. This enables others to view your project in their browser without requiring any additional installations.


  • Viewport Effects: By selecting this magic wand in the settings bar at the bottom, you'll activate a menu housing various options to fine-tune camera settings. These settings encompass aspects like bloom, grain, or image processing through adjustments to brightness and contrast. Please be aware that this feature is still in the experimental phase.
  • Viewport Setting: Within this section indicated by the eyes icon in the settings bar, you gain the ability to modify the background and lighting within the 3D view. You can alter the simulated point of sale, activate a background color, or enhance the rendering quality of your browser. Adjusting these settings can prove beneficial if you encounter any performance-related concerns.
  • Color Scheme: If you intend to change the color scheme of the editor, such as dark mode, light mode, or system preferences, please navigate to the upper right corner and click on the moon icon. Right-clicking once will open a dropdown menu, allowing you to switch between light, dark, or system default modes. Double-right-clicking will toggle between the light and dark color schemes.


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